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  With the great support of our sponsors-Northern Coalfields Ltd., through their visionary leaders, and your moral support, we are bound to continue to meet the expectations that everyone has from DPS Nigahi.  


Dear Parents,

Welcome to the session 2012-2013.

From the coming session we look forward to extend the Smart Class facility to the students on all working days instead of on weekly rotation basis by converting the remaining ten rooms also into smart classes.

We intend to provide Educomp online facility to staff, students and parents which would enable the staff to update information regarding the students and answer their queries on line; the students to view educational modules of these classes and get their queries answered; the parents to check the progress of their wards on line on 24 hours, 365 days.

We also intend to set up ‘Commando Obstacle Park’ in the school campus to develop physical strength of the students.

‘Facelift’ work being done by NCL is yet another great achievement and a matter of joy for all of us. The school’s ambience is going to be more beautiful and cleaner than what is used to be.

Last session children performed exceptionally well in academics and co-curricular activities. Laurels were earned in all field at district, zonal, state and national levels.

Global ranks earned by school in International Olympiad Competition are also very encouraging.

We put in our best endeavours to implement the policies and suggestions of DPS society & CBSE. Teachers and students are sent for in-service traning courses and educational camps.

CCE policies are encouraging the students to get involved in co-scholastic activities also.

We would like to assure you of providing the best to your child entrusted to us by you.

Please go through the Almanac on regular basis and try to remain in touch with the school as much as possible.

Wishing you and your ward the best for the session.

Sukhwant Singh Thaper, Principal

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