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  Khalil Gibran a Lebanese American Writer in early 20th century wrote, "When we long for something from the core of our heart the entire Universe conspires to enable us to achieve it." Guru Nanak in the 15th century wrote "Jo Maange Thakur Apne Te Soi Soi Deve. Nanak Dar Mukh Te Jo Bole Chan Uhan Sach Hove" (Whatever we seek from the Lord we get it sooner or later).  


Dear Parents,

Welcome to the session of 2022-2023.

We all need to feel blessed and privileged for having the opportunity of greeting each other in the post Covid-19 times.

The entire world had been brought down to the knees by the mighty Micro Virus. At one stage it appeared that the entire world of ours would collapse, but then thanks to the Scientists and the leaders who discovered the vaccines for the Covid 19 Virus and managed to get almost the entire population of the world vaccinated respectively and thereby saved the world from the clutches of the pandemic monster. In fact, what we need to be grateful is the 'Knowledge' and the 'Managerial Skills' that the human beings have developed over the past that had saved us from the situation.

Time and again God shows us the importance of 'Knowledge' and 'Managerial Skills' which each one of us should be more than willing to 'gain' and 'learn'.

We at DPS Nigahi always remain focused in enabling the children entrusted to us to gain both the 'Knowledge' and master the 'Life Skills'.

To reap full benefit of educating your wards in DPS, please ensure the following :

  • Your ward remains regular in his / her attendance and submission of set tasks so that he/she gains the knowledge
  • Remains respectful towards the teachers, friends and society.
  • Respects Public property.
  • Participates in Activities, and Intra Class / Inter House Competitions, Outside Competitions which are meticulously planned and executed for developing the 'Life Skills' of the students.

With your cooperation, assistance of our sponsors NCL Singrauli, guidance of our Board (CBSE), DPS Society, New Delhi and State Education Board we are bound to do well.

We express our commitment to provide our best and to make your children confident, courageous, committed, consistent and great communicators for their entire lives.

Please go through this Almanac regularly and ensure that your child carries it to school every day.

With warm regards
Sukhwant Singh Thaper, Principal
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